Specific Directives Explanatory
– Age-Based Distribution Terms –

Sudden wealth, especially with younger adults, can ultimately prove to be more of a problem, or even result in destructive outcomes, instead of providing the benefit and enjoyment that parents meant for it to do for their loved ones.  Prudence may therefore dictate that it would be better to mandate that outright distributions of principal be allocated to beneficiaries incrementally over time instead of all at one time.

There are also estate-preservation benefits to be derived from wise estate planning applications that can help insulate a beneficiary’s portion from his/her legal creditors for as long as that beneficiary’s portion is held IN TRUST (and not distributed outright).  Common estate preservation techniques, such as age-based allocations, should be a consideration in light of the litigiously-prone society we live in today.

With this App, you can easily mandate that incremental allocations of principal from your trust be distributed to your beneficiaries at the specified age requirements and interval time frames of your choice.  For example, you can set up your trust to have your successor trustee distribute one-third (1/3) of the beneficiaries’ respective shares upon attaining the ages of 25 respectively, one-half of the remainder (1/3) at age 35 and the remainder (1/3) at age 45 instead of receiving their entire vested portions all at once.

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